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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Turkey is preparing for the production of missiles, intercontinental ballistic

On : 2:27:00 AM
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Newspaper (Zaman) Turkish Tuesday that it has reached the project's secret Turkish for the production of ballistic missiles, intercontinental, and said that he started work for the first time the project secret for the production of ballistic missiles after being asked Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the production of missiles with a range of 2500 kilometers.

The decision to produce ballistic missiles at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Chancellery of Military Industrialization, which was held on July 17 under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and the involvement of the Chief of Staff Gen. Necdet Aozl and the leaders of the armed forces and Minister of Defense and Military Advisor to manufacturing.

Sources of defense that the talks are continuing in this regard since a long time, noting that the establishment of satellite launch center will provide the ability to Turkey on the launch of ballistic missiles and is considered at the same time overcome the critical stage on the draft rocket intercontinental, citing sources, that for Turkey to such technology means its potential strike any point in the world.

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