US space station will fall in southern Michigan | news continents

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Sunday, March 11, 2018

US space station will fall in southern Michigan

On : 2:12:00 PM
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Parts of southern Michigan are among the areas most likely to be hit by the wreckage of China's space station (Tiangong-1), according to the US Space Research Organization (AROS).

Northern China, central Italy, northern Spain, the Middle East, New Zealand, Tasmania, South America, South Africa, and the northern states of the United States have been identified as areas with high chances of falling debris, the Daily Mail reported on its website on Sunday.

Some reports indicated that the Chinese space station, weighing about 8.5 tons, loaded with some chemicals, including dangerous hydrazine.

Most parts of China's space station are supposed to burn during its flight to the atmosphere, but about 10 to 40 percent are expected to remain.

China issued an official statement on Sept. 14, 2016, predicting that the Tianjong-1 space station would enter the atmosphere in the latter half of 2017.

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