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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Arab League welcomes the decision of the Security Council to send observers to Syria

On : 8:32:00 AM
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Welcomed the Arab League on Sunday to Security Council resolution 2042 on the approval to send observers to Syria to monitor the cease-fire, which was released on Saturday evening .. The envoy said that the joint Arab gentile Kofi Annan will attend the meeting of the Arab Ministerial Committee on Syria to be held on Tuesday in the Qatari capital Doha.

Ambassador Ahmed Ben Helli, Deputy Secretary General of the League of Arab States in his statements today welcomed the Arab League to this resolution because it represents the will of the international support the mission of Envoy common Kofi Annan and to ensure implementation of the plan fully its terms and elements of all parties to Syria in order to create the right climate for the second phase after cease-fire, which is a political process and to achieve reforms and aspirations of the Syrian people, and added that the Arab League is a Security Council resolution is a positive development because it is issued by the Council by the Member States and establishes a process to monitor the ceasefire, a decision accepted by the Government of Syria, hoping to work all parties to implement the Syrian.

He emphasized that the key element in the decision of the Security Council is to support the initiative of Kofi Annan and the international support given clear and firm for this initiative and should reflect that support on the ground.

The Hali Annan will attend the meeting of the Arab Ministerial Committee on the crisis, the Syrian, to be held in Doha on Tuesday will offer a comprehensive report to the Committee on its mission in light of the recent Security Council resolution on sending international observers to Syria to monitor the cease-fire, rapid spread them in the nearest soon as possible.

It is due to fly the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Dr. Nabil Al Arab on Monday at the head of a large delegation from the Arab League to the Qatari capital Doha to participate in the meeting of the Arab Ministerial Committee on the crisis, the Syrian and that the participation of foreign ministers from Egypt, Oman, Sudan, Algeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, in addition to the President of Iraq and Kuwait, the Arab summit the current chairman of the Arab League Council at the ministerial level .. The meeting will be chaired by Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar and Chairman of the Committee.

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