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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

European Union and Britain demanded that Hamas stop executions in Gaza

On : 7:34:00 AM
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Condemned the EU officials in Jerusalem and Ramallah today, Wednesday, Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip after the execution of three convicted Saturday and demanded the movement to halt executions in the sector.

The Ministry of Interior of the Hamas prisoners executed by hanging Saturday, 3 of them on charges of "employment" to Israel while the other two were executed for murder in Toatahma. It is the first death sentences carried out in the sector this year.

The European Union said in a statement that "should the de facto authorities in Gaza to refrain from carrying out any executions for prisoners and abide by the existing moratorium on executions, which applied to the Palestinian Authority while abolishing the death penalty in line with the global trend."

The statement added that the union "is to abolish the death penalty Ashھm in promoting human dignity and progressive development of human rights and the death penalty is cruel and inhumane terms fail to provide a deterrent to criminal behavior and represents an unacceptable disregard for the safety and dignity of humanity." And executed the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip in July 2011 on charges of employment for the inmates Israel. According to human rights organizations was executed three people a month later on charges not related to employment for Israel.

According to the law of interest to punish the Palestinian labor to Israel and the drug trade to death, but it requires ratification by the President of the Palestinian Authority before they are implemented.

But Hamas does not recognize the legitimacy of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after the end of his presidential term in 2009. And arrested Hamas in recent months, many clients of Israel and warned it would prosecute any "traitor."

For its part, the feet of Britain condemned the Hamas authorities in Gaza to the execution of three Palestinians, including Mtkhabr with Israel.

The minister said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Middle East and North Africa Alistair Burt said his government opposes the implementation of the death penalty in general and considers penalty undermines human dignity .. He pointed out that the British government called for repeatedly by the authorities in Gaza to stop the implementation of the death penalty .. He expressed his wishes that in the end the death penalty Land
Palestinian are final.

The Ministry of Interior in the Hamas government in Gaza announced the execution by hanging to death Saturday morning against three detainees from the Gaza Strip, including Mtkhabr with the occupation.

The ministry stressed that the implementation of the provisions were yet exhausted all the ways challenged, and won an authoritative command res judicata in it, and has become enforceable after the grant of the governed them full right to defend themselves. As the Court confirmed that these provisions were unanimously and on the basis of law and religion and to the text of the law in order to preserve Palestinian and societal security.

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