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Monday, April 9, 2012

Former head of Soviet intelligence wins the presidential election in Ossetia

On : 2:13:00 AM
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Achieved a former head of Soviet intelligence service (KGB) victory in the run-off presidential election in the territory of South Ossetia separated from Georgia.

The head of the local committee for the elections, Bella Biljiva, said Monday that the process of vote counting showed the victory of Leonid Tebilov four and fifty percent of the vote, and got his opponent, the Human Rights Commissioner David Sanakoyev, forty-two percent of the vote.

Separated this mountain region of Georgia after the war took place early nineties of last century. The war broke out in August 2008 because of rising tensions between Georgia and the separatist pro-Russian and Russian forces defeated the Georgian army during the fighting, which lasted five days. Been recognized only a small number of countries, including Russia, the independence of South Ossetia.

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