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Friday, April 13, 2012

Israel prepares to catch the sniper Palestinians during Commemorating the anniversary of "Nakba"

On : 5:14:00 AM
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Detect high-level military source in the Israeli army that the leadership of the army is working on processing a number of snipers affiliates with the approach of the anniversary of the Nakba, which marks the fifteenth of May.

It is expected to occur confrontations between demonstrators and Israeli soldiers on Lebanese and Syrian borders and areas of the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem.

The newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth," Israel that the Israeli army trains soldiers on three events may occur in the near, which is expected to occur by the clashes between the Israeli and Palestinian sides, the "Prisoners' Day" and "Nakba Day" and "Day of the setback."

The newspaper pointed out that the Hebrew army snipers are trained to infection in the feet and not kill them, so as to learn lessons from past years.

Yediot said that officials in the system of the Israeli military have expressed fears that the events will be conducted by Palestinians during the next two months of marches, which would lead to an escalation in the Israeli position.

The newspaper pointed Hebrew to both the Minister of Defense Ehud Barak and Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch has endorsed the plans of operation, and ordered that the response to the demonstrations, a phased manner, pointing out that in the framework of the preparations have begun in the Department of snipers of the Center for Aviation and input of the exercises to deal with various scenarios anticipated.

The source explained that the decision of the High-level training soldiers about the killings and injuries not related to change in the sum of the Training Unit, and the level of training in the army, saying "soldiers who trained to kill by the first shot we are currently trained on the infection of the feet."

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