How to protect yourself from AIDS and its symptoms and treatment | news continents

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

How to protect yourself from AIDS and its symptoms and treatment

On : 3:46:00 PM
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AIDS is a condition caused by a virus called HIV (HIV) is the attack on the body's immune system, which serves as the guard force in the body that attack any infection or virus.

So when the virus attacks the immune system, the human body loses this protection he enjoyed and therefore can infect the body with many viruses and cancers easily.

These infections are called opportunistic infections, because they take advantage of the opportunity infected immune system is weak. We may not say that someone died as a result of AIDS, because he died as a result of any virus infection or cancers as a result of the immune system does not work that protects the body as a result of an attack virus (HIV) on the immune system.

* You can always remember three things:
- Can avoid contracting AIDS.
- Difficult to HIV infection.
- There are steps to avoid contracting AIDS.

* Who is at risk?
There are some people at risk of HIV infection, such as homosexuals.
Not unlike AIDS from place to place, it is present in all peoples in different races and ages.
But there are different ways to combat this disease, Prevention and control of disease incidence is our only weapon so far.

* How is HIV spread (HIV)?
This virus spreads through body fluids:
Blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk.
As for (saliva, tears and sweat), there is no specific evidence that the virus is spreading out of their way.
Enters virus (HIV) human body through the mucous membranes (the wall of the rectum, the wall of the vagina or the interior of the mouth and throat) or through direct contact with contaminated blood.
This virus can not penetrate the skin, but in the case of a wound in the skin friction in someone else's blood contaminated.
The virus can also spread through the air by coughing or sneezing.
So there is no seriousness in dealing between natural person and other people.

* How did the virus infection (HIV)?
There are some people put themselves in the list of persons exposed to the virus.
So what you do is that makes you susceptible to or not.

* Behavior that puts you on the list:
- Sexual contact with someone holder of the virus without adequate protection.
Protection here means without the use of a condom, whatever method of communication or different status of male and female.
All forms of sexual contact without adequate protection lead to the spread of the virus.
Sexual contact with a person carrying the virus is more roads that lead to the spread of the disease.

- The use of needles between an infected person and another person leads to the spread of the virus, or people who eat any kind of drug needles could happen to them injury through sexual contact.

- Blood transfusion also means that transmit the virus, there are new ways to detect the presence of HIV-infected blood through rays instead of taking a blood sample.

- The last method that can be infected with the virus for way is to breed. Where can a child before or after birth through the mother infected with the virus, or through breastfeeding.
HIV infection can not be through the normal relationship between individuals, such as touch or use paper napkins or telephone, or participate in one food.
To share life with AIDS Victims do not lead to infection occurs only in the case of sexual intercourse or the use of needles or syringes shared with them.

* Symptoms of infection (HIV):
About 50% to 90% of newly infected with HIV (HIV) feel symptoms similar to flu symptoms, enlargement of the thyroid gland or a rash, where the body is trying to fight the virus attack. This small health crisis can be a great opportunity to try to prevent a bug that happens after that in the body's immune system.

People living with HIV (HIV) are reluctant for years to take the step therapy. But if you think you're infected with a virus (HIV) in the initial weeks of the injury, there are many reasons make accelerated in an attempt treatment. As treatment at the beginning of the infection could alter the course of the disease.
But without treatment at the outset, the case of the virus moving too quickly in the first few months where the virus enters the body and multiplies dramatically in its cells.
Up virus (HIV) to the maximum grades in the first few months of the disease.
The more time passes the chances of weaker and less treatment. Where that work to strengthen the immune system since the onset of the disease in the initial weeks can make the virus is unable to mastery of the immune system to a greater degree.
Experience treating virus (HIV) modern, and a group of patients who have undergone the experience of this treatment is very small, but they were able to stay low proportion of the virus in the body for years. But is not yet known how long will the effect of treatment on the virus and is it the treatment or be given a chance for the patient to live a few more years.
But if there is an individual feels that he has symptoms of a virus (HIV) he has to resort to a doctor immediately.

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