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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Suman scouring the globe on his bicycle to reach the 20 million citizens

On : 4:52:00 AM
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Soman Dbanat
In order to spread awareness against HIV among inhabitants of the land cut Soman Dbanat, Pilgrim Indian distance of approximately 94,050 kilometers from India to Egypt, through to 32 countries in Asia and 36 countries in continental Europe, and 4 countries in the continent of Africa on a bicycle, where he began his journey from his small village in India called "two years'" state of West Bengal, and was aimed from behind the trip is to spread awareness among the world's population about the risks of HIV known as the "AIDS" in 191 countries around the world by the end of 2020, and covers which is 200 thousand kilometers in order to reach 20 million citizen of different nationalities, where comes funding for the trip through donations received from a number of institutions and business, and during the long journey the "Soman" definition as well as the dangers of AIDS, and also publishes cultures and customs of his country cultural, and published a message of peace from India to the world whole, and his philosophy says Soman believe in the proverb Indian philosopher Swami Vivchanand: "that we created in the universe we message and leave the guide which Jelena generation begins to turn in shaping their world."

During his visit schools, universities, hospitals and care homes for the elderly, as well as shelters in order to communicate personal between him and the new generations who believes to being the best teacher, and trying to find a link to create a small village where he can learn by communicating with them to create a better society

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